What is Buprenorphine

Buprenorphine is a medication that our providers here at A.P.S. often suggest to help manage chronic pain. It works by attaching itself to special receptors in our body called opioid receptors. These opioid receptors are like tiny locks on the surface of certain cells in our body, the cells that are involved with pain. In most cases, when buprenorphine attaches to these receptors, patients report a decrease in pain. In our experience, buprenorphine is an excellent choice for chronic pain patients because it binds extremely tight to these opioid receptors, unlike some other medications used for pain. This means buprenorphine can provide longer-lasting pain relief than other options (it’s only taken once per day) and even better it has a lower risk of causing potentially dangerous side effects like breathing problems and drowsiness. Also, by attaching to the same receptors as other opioid medications, buprenorphine can help to reduce common withdrawal symptoms and harsh cravings, making it easier for people to stop using opioids while still treating their pain. There are many other reasons why our practice prefers buprenorphine and we would be happy to share them with you and how it can potentially help you. We encourage you to make an appointment to meet one of our experienced pain management providers at A.P.S who have extensive experience with buprenorphine.